
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Would you say this is a plethera of pictures?

Another weekend of photo taking and it's time for an update. Jawan just wrote that she is certain folks could care less about seeing more pictures of her kids - - truth is I love seeing her kids. So, I am going to assume the same is true about you: if you keep looking at my blog you must not mind my kids. Love me love my kids, eh? So, here we go. . .

Little got a new coat this week. I noticed that hers was too small LAST week but couldn't get out with just her until Saturday. We looked at Kohls (where we found jeans on sale for $4 a pair and all her jeans are too small too!!! Thank you, Jesus.) and found nothing in the coat department so on to Burlington we went. I had her try on every pink coat I saw while she kept saying, "Let's try the orange one." and "Little likes the orange one." Orange IS her favorite color but I just kept on with, "Let's try this yellow one, Little". The yellow one had a hole, the pink one had a stain, and the lavender one was too small - so we tried the orange on and tah-dah! She loves it and looks adorable. And the weather was 8 degrees today so we were glad to have it!
Bubba and I made heart shaped brownies for his class. He stirred and tasted - mostly tasted. (Yes, that is a zodiac cutting board in our counter top. Don't ask - we're renting.)

KB doing her Austin Powers impersonation.And last, but not least, the group photo from the birthday party Little attended tonight at Build a Bear. Seriously, could it look any less fun? It is a horrible and out of focus photo but I felt you needed to see how miseralbe Little looks and that even the birthday girl (standing up in the back) seems disinterested. That kid on the floor to Little's right? He looks like he is smiling but he is crying like a baby! What in the world? Well, don't let the photo fool you. Even though this photographer mom captured the lowest moment for posterity, the party was full of fun for all. There were cupcakes and juice boxes, so of course the kids had fun! It was an emotional roller coaster for me but that will have to wait for another post. It's late and I need to go to bed.


Jawan said...

I am laughing so hard....glad I wasn't at that party. Been to one too many like Build A Bear, to be exact!

Jawan said...

Did I tell you that we're hoping to come out to St. L in May to see Jason Tucker graduate? We wanna stay for about five days. "Let's get together...yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Marcie said...

Little *is* precious in that orange coat. She is a girl who knows what she wants. Yea, Little!

annaj said...

Love it! I think I might take that last pic down if I were you. The focus issue makes a few kids look possessed.

amy said...

i love anna's comment. hysterical! and orange is my favorite, of course, i love lily's coat. :)

Allison said...

never get tired of seeing your kids. Love the party pic. We, too, have been to one like that!

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