Honey brought a scanner home from work and we are going as paperless as possible. That means the stack of pages I have ripped out of magazines over the past 4+ years with good intention to put into a notebook is now disappearing as I "file" them in My Documents. And YOU are benefitting as well.
Countdowns are BIG at our house. Toddler and the concept of time just don't seem to gel so having a countdown really helps. Here is a PRECIOUS idea for countdown fun! And Allison - it's eco-friendly! It's bubble wrap! Numbered bubble wrap! Each day you pop the bubble - and you could take the number off too (that would be important to Little!)

I've got a million of them. . . do you want some more??
I am impressed with your scanning proficiency! I have never scanned anything :). I will be looking forward to lots of other great ideas.
more please!
What a great idea. I think the Philleys will have to do that next year.
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