
Saturday, February 2, 2008


Apparently I have been cyber tagged! Funny thing is, my need to be wanted had me hoping my name would be on the tag list - thanks for showing the love, Susan! Now the directions - Share five random and/or weird facts about yourself; Share the five top places on your “want to see or want to see again” list; Tag five people at the end.

1. I am an English major who never uses words properly - or even words that are real. My mom actually proofs my blog entries and emails me corrections. My family calls them "Beckyisms" - I just call it embarrassing.

2. In fourth, fifth, and sixth grades I won prize money for essays written on soil and water conservation - yawn.

3. I love to go to the movies by myself. (Random - not necessarily weird)

4. I get a natural high from yard sales and bargain shopping - I am addicted and need a 12 step program. (See future post on the grocery game)

5. Almost every day I do the puzzles in USA Today online - helps me fall asleep.

Places to go:
1. Australia again - desperately I want to go there.
2. Seattle - always see it in movies and just want to see it.
3. Ireland - is it really that green?
4. China - I would love to visit my brother and his family again - and eat the food! YUM!
5. Scituate, Massachussetts - went there on our honeymoon and would love to go back.

Okay, I tag Jawan, Heather, Anne, Aspa, and April


Jawan said...

I like seeing my name, too! Look for my answers sometime tomorrow.

Mayberry Family said...

Heather, me?

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