
Monday, January 28, 2008

Quotes from Little

We are at that awkward stage of development with KB where we are stretching out times between feedings. Why is this important in an entry about Little's quotes? Well, one of her feedings is at the most awkward time - 5:30PM aka dinner time. Well, tonight honey is running late and so I took Little and Bubba upstairs with me to play while I fed KB. So, I am sitting on the floor nursing so I can see most of the upstairs where the kids are playing. Amazingly, Bubba found THE spot I could not see. Conversation that followed:

"Little, where is Bubba." I said.
"I think he is in there." Little answered.
I am still in the dark of his whereabouts and as I open my mouth to ask more questions Little
adds, "I think I am in there too."
Translation: He is sitting beside me.

Next conversation:
Little picks up a scrap of wrapping paper I saved from a wrapping venture this weekend (it is large enough to wrap something else). She says, "We cut it. Momma did a great job."
"Thanks, Little."

KB starts crying.
Little says, "It's okay, KB. Don't cry. Momma will feed you more from the other side of her stomach."

1 comment:

Elizabeth Dark Wiley said...

TOO funny, Becky. Thanks for sharing these- I chuckled a lot. The way they put together what they are saying is just priceless.

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