
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Changes. . .

Well, I have been computerless for four days while we switched every bedroom in the house. Little is in the office, Bubba is in our old room, we are in Bubba's old room and the new baby will be in Lily's old room. I tried to make such a big deal about Little getting a new room so the transition might go smoothly. She looked at me Sunday night and said, "My room is the office." From a girl who doesn't use spontaneous speech this was a treat. From the perspective that she seemed to feel she was calling my bluff, it was hilarious.

One of the hold ups on the computer was that my honey was putting the final touches on the desk it would sit on. My sister-in-law had this desk in college and left it here when they moved overseas. I finally asked if we could do some work on it and this is what my honey did. Isn't he GREAT???

Also, it stormed this week and temperatures have dropped. It isn't supposed to even reach 90 degrees through next Tuesday! Thank you Jesus!

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